Mrs. Garstin did not mince her words in the domestic circle and she warned her daughter tartly that she would miss her market.
“One can be very much in love with a woman without wishing to spend the rest of one's life with her.”“一个男人深爱着一个女人,并不意味着希望余生和她一起度过。”
Kitty found the work a refreshment to her spirit. She went to the convent every morning soon after sunrise and did not return to the bungalow till the westering sun flooded the narrow river and its crowded junks with gold.凯蒂发现工作像一服清醒剂,让她的精神焕发。她每天清晨太阳升起后不久就匆匆赶往修道院,直到西边的太阳把狭窄的河流和河面上拥挤的小船染成金黄色才回到家中。
"I want a girl because I want to bring her up so that she shan't make the mistakes I've made. When I look back upon the girl I was I hate myself. But I never had a chance."“我想要个女孩,因为我想亲手把她抚养长大,让她不要再犯我曾经犯过的错误,当我回首小的时候,我恨自己,但又没有机会重新来过。”
"I'm going to bring up my daughter so that she's free and can stand on her own feet."“我会抚养我的女儿,让她自由自在,能够自食其力。”
"I'm not going to bring a child into the world, and love her, and bring her up, just so that some man may want to sleep with her so much that he's willing to provide her with board and lodging for the rest of her life."“我把一个孩子带到这个世界上来,爱她,把她养大,不是为了让她将来和哪个男人睡觉,从此一辈子依附于他。”
"I want her to be fearless and frank. I want her to be a person, independent of others because she is possessed of herself, and I want her to take life like a free man and make a better job of it than I have."“我想培养她无所畏惧和诚实坦率的品质,我想把她培养成一个不依附于他人,拥有独立人格的人,我想让她自由自在地生活,比我活得成功精彩。”
She could not know what the future had in store for her, but she felt in herself the strength to accept whatever was to come with a light and buoyant spirit.